Welcome to the first EPSA Newsletter of 2019. It has been a busy 12 months, despite 2018 being an “off year” in which there was no EPSA conference. Membership of EPSA has grown steadily, which is fantastic, and crucial to ensuring our sustainability for the future. The revamped EPSA website is receiving an increasing number of visits, and the EPSA Facebook page and Twitter feed have seen increased traffic over the last year, showing that our message is getting across.
Preparations are now well under way for our 7th biennial conference, which will take place at the University of Geneva from 11th-14th September 2019. Further information can be found on the conference website. The Call for Venues for EPSA 2021 is now live and will close in August; if your institution is interested in putting together a bid, please contact me as soon as possible.
The EPSA Fellowship scheme, which provides bursaries for junior philosophers from Central and Eastern Europe to spend a month visiting an academic institution elsewhere in Europe, is due to run again in 2019-20. Further information is here.
In June 2019, members of EPSA will be asked to elect a new Vice-President, Treasurer, and three new ordinary members of the Steering Committee. Please look out for an email with details of the ballot and ensure to cast your vote.
I look forward to seeing you in Geneva in September.
Yours sincerely,
Samir Okasha